Blast Beat - May 30

Cave Game Guides, Gold Distribution 4, and Get Started on District One

Welcome to Blast Beat.

If you’re reading this, know that it’s not too late to farm some Blast Gold. There is still tons up for grabs, and even a few minutes per day could net you a nice airdrop.

This newsletter serves a very basic purpose: aggregate news and low-hanging fruit. We’ll run this every day until TGE on June 26th, and will likely continue afterwards depending on what happens then.

If this write up is too long, just skip to the Action points in yellow.

Vital Numbers:

27 days left until TGE

$7.36 latest gold price estimate from Stats

10,000,000 new gold released in distribution 4 (less than expected)

1x more gold distribution left (that we know of)

Important Notes:

  • Blastr farming: yesterday I detailed how to farm Blastr. Note that while this is still worth it, the platform had its gold cut down by 66% for the next distro. So the 1-2x gold per day might be less going forward.

  • Gold Distribution 4: came out yesterday, and its LESS than expected. This is both good and bad, and does not change the course we will continue to follow. Covered heavily below.

  • New Subs: This newsletter is 24 hours old, and we got lots of new subs! Welcome everyone. All feedback + requests welcome, in the comments or on Twitter.

In Today’s edition:

  • Get started on Cave Game now

  • Reactions to Gold Distribution #4

  • How to make 5 gold per day on District One

📺 May 30 | What To Watch For

This section covers how the Blast narrative will change in the next 24 hours.

Cave Game Leaderboards / Allocation

The 4th gold distribution had one glaring message: gaming matters. Wolf Game, the new entrant, got 525k of gold. You should be playing daily.

Boomer has a fantastic break down of what that gold means, and how to earn it below. If this is way over your head, keep reading as I’ll cover the basics and link to a few guides

Let’s a do a little Cave Game 101.

What is Cave Game? One of the game modes of Wolf Game, which was immensely popular in 2022 and boasts a dedicated community.

How Does It work? You mint a free Golden Sheep, and wander in Caves looking for resources. One of those resources is “Points” which may translate to Gold (speculative and not confirmed).

Is it free? Yes and No. Its free to start, but costs to be successful. You’ll need a few hundred bucks, and we don’t know yet if its worth it.

Biggest holdup? Wolf Game is migrating from mainnet, and will officially launch on Blast soon. Thats thousands of NFTs that will be added to the game. But I think until that happens, its worth it for newbs (like me) to play.

Action: Grab like 0.1 ETH, read the guides below, go get yourself 200-400k points in the Caves, and pray that it leads to some of that 525k gold.

And use my referral link!

How to get started

The boys at Modern Market did a fantastic 2minute video here:

S4mmy.ETH also gave a full written rundown here:

Gold Distribution #4 Reactions

Huge news yesterday. High level notes:

  • It was less than expected (10m versus 15m last round)

  • Some projects got “nerfed”, like Blastr

  • Some projects did very well, like gaming and fantasy/betting!

Action: Invest your time and energy into learning Cambria, Wolf/Cave Game (above), Captain & Company, IKB, and D1 (guide below). This is your best ROI for the next month.

Every single influencer had a reaction post:

  • @s4mmyETH “put all fungible token trades through Banana Gun”

  • @bcheque “etherfi biggest restaking protocol now live on blast”

  • @stats “happy to see just 10mn gold”

Link to my fave:

🧠 Big Brain Recaps

This section looks at some of the top creators on blast that dish out daily summaries and potential action points.

from @UntamedAdam


  • Pacmoon V2: he recaps the 20% surge in $PAC price, and details how he’s started a validator group in the wolves discord (worth joining!)

  • Gold Distro 4: he highlights the winners/losers, and specifically “Peanut Games” which went from 10k to 50k gold (I need to dig into that!).

  • Gangsters/Gold Farmers: he celebrates two sell outs for small gaming projects (Gangsters Arena + Gold Farmers). Of note: neither of these have yet gotten any gold.

Action: If you’re a $PAC validator, join his discord for the validator lottery.

from @icobeast


  • Fantasy Top: he cautions to wait until the next “game mode” is released to dive back in. FT got tons of gold in distro 4.

  • New Tech: he celebrates two new integrations on the tech side: Ethena Labs and Tenderly.

  • Gold Distro 4: he’s bullish on projects that got equivalent gold to the last round, and plans to sink into them.

  • he points out that they got twice as much gold as last time, and that the sell off has been mild.

  • IKB: he points out that they have another 175k gold, and still 120k to give out. It’s a sports betting platform.

  • Bullish on Wolf Game.

Action: Get into Meme.Fun, IKB, and Wolf Game.

🚜 Daily Grinds

In this section, I’ll give a glimpse of my daily grinding tasks, the time they take, the amount I risk, and how much gold they yield.

District One | Social Fi Voting

Time: 20 minutes per day (must set an alarm)

Capital/Risk - Version A: Low Risk | $200 investment | 1-2 gold/day

Capital/Risk - Version B: Moderate Risk | $700 investment | 4-6 gold/day

Activities: Vote on a schedule, 4x per day

Return: 4-6 gold per day if you risk some

District One is an accelerated version of Reddit and Friend Tech, where you participate in chats a few times per day to earn gold. You can buy shares of rooms on a bonding curve to earn more gold (Version B).

It’s complicated (and ugly) at first, but once you get into the groove it becomes astonishingly simple. Do yourself a favor and take the 15 minutes to learn how to play, because D1 got another 875k gold yesterday (3rd highest).

The goal is to show up 4x times per day, hit “RALLY” on a room and collect the “GEMS” which get you gold.

I should get a healthy dose of gold for Epoch 3.

You can play with low investment/low risk (Version A), or moderate risk/investment (Version B). Both are worth it.

Will do Version A first, then Version B.

Steps to follow - Version A

  1. Sign up and don’t be overwhelmed by the ugly UI (ref code link:

  2. Click on sOLE at the top

  3. Lock 0.05 LP into sOLE. This basically makes you a liquidity provider for $OLE, the platform’s token. You get it back after 90 days. My LP has turned into only ETH (that’s how LPs work).

  4. You don’t have to lock sOLE, but by doing this you guarantee a 300% boost on all the actions you will perform below. Worth it imo.

  5. Next, click on “LIVE” at the top

  6. Pick a room you like (let’s say PACMOON)

  7. Every two hours, the rooms will hold a “RALLY” at the top of the hour. Show up for 4x of these per day (or 2x if you didnt lock sOLE).

  8. Set an alarm to show up for the RALLY. I always forget.

  9. Hit “RALLY” in your chosen room in the first 15min of the RALLY

  10. After 15min, wait 20 seconds past the 15min mark, and then hit the big green “Claim Now”. This part is time sensitive, as not ALL rally participants can get the airdrop. It’s limited to 70% of those who hit “RALLY” in that room. You have to beat others to it.

  11. Pro Tip: What I do to make sure I nail the RALLY is set an alarm for 13min past the hour (let’s say 5:13pm). Then I’ll hit “RALLY”, wait 2 minutes for 20 seconds past 5:15pm, then Claim Now button.

  12. Besides rallies, you also VOTE for 3x rooms per day.

  13. Do this by simply navigating to each SPACE and hit “Vote”

  14. Then, navigate to “PRIME”

  15. Pick “Survival” and vote for 3 rooms.

  16. That’s it. That’s the “FREE” part!

Steps to follow - Version B

  1. Follow all steps above

  2. Select 2-3 rooms that you want to be a part of and buy a share in each.

  3. Naturally, some are expensive! You can go to “SPACES” at the top and then scroll down to find more modest pricing.

  4. My strategy: I look for rooms belonging to projects I’m already a fan of, or influencers than can be trusted (Zeneca, Cirrus, Deeze, etc.)

  5. By owning a share of a room, you’re eligible for more GEM rewards and a higher multiplier per rally.

  6. Be weary: the share price of rooms in on a bonding curve, so if people start selling, you won’t be able to recoup your investment the same. Or vice versa, the price of the room could go up while you hold it and you profit!

You can participate in rallies for rooms whose shares you do not own. But the GEMS multiplier is better for rooms where you do own the shares.

So to recap:

  • Join D1, put in a bit of LP cash (sOLE)

  • Set a timer for 4x times per day and join the RALLY in different rooms

  • Risk more and get more by buying shares of rooms.

  • Earn relatively passive gold

There are many more aspects to D1, but these are the basics. Good luck!

👨🏼‍🎤 The KOL Korner

There are some big BIG accounts that farm Blast, and these influencers got something to say! We’ll share their tweets here.

New Gold Price Estimation | @Stats

This could be a daily tweet for the next 4 weeks. Stats put up a new estimate for Gold on at $7.36 following yesterday’s distribution.

Tokens Dumping Post-Jackpot | @MoonCat2878

Mooncat argues against the narrative that tokens on Blast will dump when the Gold Jackpot is over.

Where To Focus | @JennDefer

Jenn shows off her focus spreadsheet, highlighting where she spends the most of her time farming.

How Pacmoon Works | @dingalingts

Our old friend dingaling was keen to understand how he can put his insane amount of $PAC to work.

Thanks everyone for reading! Feel free to drop questions and feedback in the comments or on twitter.