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  • Pacmoon Kills Engagement Farming 🔪

Pacmoon Kills Engagement Farming 🔪

Cave Game Rewards, Distro 5, 100k on Blasterswap, and 18 days left

Welcome to Blast Beat.

If you’re reading this, know that it’s not too late to farm some Blast Gold. 

Nothing in the newsletter or on my Twitter account should be considered financial advice. This is my own opinion and I’m just writing about what I see out there. You are responsible for what you do with your money and crypto.

We’ll run this every day until TGE on June 26th. If it’s too long, just skip to the Action points in yellow.

Notable Numbers

Current Gold Estimate: $7.36

Remaining Gold Waves: 1 wave

Days Until TGE: 18 days

Blast Beat | June 7

Quick one today. I always seem to get very busy IRL right when things get hot in crypto, and this coming week is no exception!

I know many of you might feel the same when it comes to Blast. So much to do, and so little time to do it. Plus, you then log into the timeline and see people flexing their 8,000 gold and feel hopeless. I feel the same way!

But listen, we’ve got 18 days left. Gold should be at least $5 when it hits. And there are some really FUN ways to earn it, especially on the gaming side.

To me its always worth taking 20 minutes to learn one of these games, and cranking it in the small bits of time you have through the day. Even just 30 minutes per day until TGE will add up to 9 hours, which should earn a good bundle of gold on any single one of these.

Now onto the stories I’m following today with my very minimal time.

Big Rewards on Cave Game

Epoch 1 of Cave Game is over! A lot happened since yesterday’s newsletter, when I recommended to play as much as as possible.


  • 350k gold for Cave Game participants (so far)

  • 100 caves getting gold, so 3,500 possible for each cave (you were able to play in multiple caves if you followed)

  • Gold proportionate to the amount of items found (ex: 80% items found, only 2,800 gold for that cave)

  • Gold distribution based on per cave leaderboard

10,000 players will be rewarded because they found Golden Points. Now, we wait for the “Deep Caves” which will be playable with bridged Wolf Game assets from mainnet.

Action: Nothing. I’m not sure Cave Game is worth it if you don’t already own mainnet assets. So let’s sit tight here.

Gold Distribution 5 Could Come Soon

It really feels like things are heating up! Although we’ve been grinding the Gold for a while, it’s highly likely that the most gold to be earned will be in these final 18x days.

icobeast predicts that the FINAL wave of gold will be announced in the coming few days. Will it be higher or lower than distro 4? Will there be more surprises like last time?

Action: Double down on your convictions. Keep that daily grind going. Hope your favorite dapp gets MORE gold.

icobeast things distro 5 comes very soon

BlasterSwap offers 100k Gold for LP

The DEX is offering 100,000 gold for people to migrate their Liquidity Pools from others Dexes (like Thruster), in an aggressive move to gain market share.

Untammed Adam gives the breakdown in his daily summary.

Action: If you’ve got an LP anywhere on Blast, consider moving it to Blasterswap for the final stretch here.

Pacmoon Kills Engagement Farming

In an effort to continue reducing spam and low-effort beggar posts, Pacmoon has rolled out new rules of engagement for validators and would-be $PAC earners.

I know the project is trying to push for a higher level of the creativity, but it shouldn’t cannibalize itself TOO MUCH here.

The smaller accounts kind of need to grind their way to recognition, and these types of rules really favor the KOLs. I think most people are sick of seeing influencers say things like “I made $160,000 from tweeting about $PAC”. And this won’t help that.

Action: Avoid unless you’re insanely creative or you’re a KOL. Just stack $PAC and pray for that pre-programmed price of $1.

Trade The Game Grind Time

As mentioned yesterday, Trade The Game wants YOU to play its testnet this weekend. They are likely pushing this out in hopes of gaining MORE gold in Distro 5, and also launching their mainnet by then.

Action: Its a very simple and FREE game that you might find addictive, so worth the 60 seconds to try it out.

Fantasy Top Makes Big Changes

To be honest, I’m short on time and already faded Fantasy Top weeks ago, so you’ll need to read through the changes yourself.

But know that the app has 1.3m gold to handout and only 18 days to do it. So might be worth getting in on it.

Action: Read this from FT, and then this take from ico. Decide if its for you! The KOLs seems pleased.

Big Brain Takes

Bullish on Fantasy Top | @wardaddy

How To Gamble on Pop The Balloon | @icobeast